John Kanjogu Kiumi, PhD
Associate Professor of Educational Management and Planning
I am glad to present to you the seventh issue (Volume 7.1) of JASEML in five distinct areas of inquiry. These include:
- “Relationship between Local Culture, Parental Support, and Effective Implementation of Free Secondary Education in Njoro Sub-County Kenya” by Kiumi, J. K. and Maina, M.
- “Teacher Professional Development Influence on Time Management in the Teaching and Learning Process in Public Secondary Schools in Mumias Sub-County, Kenya”, by Maende J. B.
- “Interrogating Social Media Netiquette and Online Safety among University Students from Assorted Disciplines” by Simon M. Kamau, Margaret K. Kosgey and Khadiala Khamasi.
- “Students’ Experience of Industrial Attachment: A Case of A Public University” by Hoseah Kiplagat, Jennifer W. Khamasi and Rachel Karei.
- “Attitude of Pre-service Teacher Trainees towards the Use of Computers in Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Kenya” by Polycarp M. Ishenyi.
Chapter One delves on the findings of a study by Kiumi and Maina in Njoro Sub-County, Kenya on the implementation of free secondary education (FPE) in the county. The authors remind us that successful implementation of FSE is contingent upon sustained efforts to align cultural beliefs and practices with the goals envisaged in the programme in addition to sensitization of parents by school managers on their role expectations in their children’s education. Maende’s study, which is presented in Chapter Two dwells on the link between teacher professional development, time management and the teaching learning process. The author avers that teacher professional development is a critical correlate of teachers’ capacity to manage their teaching time which in turn translates to enhanced learning achievement in schools.
In “Social Media Netiquette and Online Safety among University Students” which is captured in Chapter Three, Simon M. Macharia, Margaret K. Kosgey and Khadiala. Khamasi have advanced the view that although social media is a primary agent of socialization in the society, its downside is that university students are likely to be misinterpreted, or reveal their confidentialities unknowingly. In this regard, the authors have advanced the case for establishment of national and institutional policies regarding etiquette and privacy in the use of social media in public university and health institutions.
The paper by Hoseah Kiplagat, J. W. Khamasi and Rachel Karei has examined a topical issue on industrial attachment (IA) in post-secondary and higher learning institutions in Kenya. Drawing from research findings in Eldoret University, Kenya, the authors have offered very insightful and appealing observations in regard to students’ industrial attachment: key among these observations is the need for training institutions to play an active role in students IA placement. This, the writers contend will make IA a productive experience for trainees whose additive effect in their workplaces after graduation cannot be overstated.
In Chapter Five, Polycarp M. Ishenyi has knowledgeably treaded on the vital topic of integration of computers in pre- service teacher training in chapter four. The main thesis in the author’s write up is that mathematics teacher trainees should be accorded professional development training in the use of computers as a tool for teaching the subject. This, the author argues will undoubtedly translate to an improvement in students learning gains in mathematics in Kenya’s Secondary Schools.
By and large, the papers in the seventh issue of JASEML offers plenty of food for thought. I hope this volume will stimulate intellectual growth among readers and practitioners as well as provoke their thoughts in regard to identifying strategies to fill knowledge gaps the papers may have left out.
Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, Vol. 7.1, pp. 5-7
Available online August 2016
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